Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Threads,WorksManagers and ThreadDumps Internal Architecture

Reference : Weblogic Enterprise Architecture

In Today's Blog I have summarized the WorkManagers Internals for newbie's
After Reading the below you will have complete understanding of Internal Mechanism of the WM's
which will be very useful in Performance tuning the weblogic servers.

Execute Threads and WorkManagers
Prior to WebLogic Server 9.0, we use to configure execute queues with a fixed thread count and a pending work queue length. However, dealing directly with low-level kernel attributes such as the number of threads has problems
With WebLogic Server 9.0 administrators can move away from configuring dedicated execute queues and start describing application requirements in a language they understand

Weblogic 8.1 and Below  --> Execute Queues
Weblogic 9.0   and Above -->WorkManagers

New Thread Pool Implementation WebLogic Server 9.0 and Above
From WebLogic Server 9.0 and above has a single thread pool for requests from all applications. Similarly, all pending work is enqueued in a common priority-based queue. The thread count is automatically tuned to achieve maximum overall throughput. Priority of the requests is dynamic and computed internally to meet the stated goals. Administrators state goals simply, using application-level parameters like fair-share, response time goals.

In earlier releases, each servlet or RMI request was associated with a dispatch policy that mapped to an execute queue. Requests without an explicit dispatch policy use the server-wide default execute queue. In WebLogic Server 9.0, requests are still associated with a dispatch policy but are mapped to a WorkManager instead of to an execute queue. 

Requests without an explicit dispatch policy use the default WorkManager of the application. This means that each application has its own default WorkManager that is not shared with other applications. This distinction is important to note. Execute queues are always global whereas WorkManagers are always application scoped. Even WorkManagers defined globally in the console are application scoped during runtime. This means that each application gets into own runtime instance that is distinct from others, but all of them share the same characteristics like fair-share goals. This is done to track work at the application layer and to provide capabilities like graceful suspension of individual applications.

As mentioned earlier, each servlet or RMI request is associated with a WorkManager. By default, all requests are associated with the application default WorkManager. The dispatch-policy element can be used to associate a request with a specific WorkManager either defined within an application scope or globally at the server level. I will provide examples on how to use the dispatch policy in a later section.

Thread Count Self-tuning

One of the major differences between execute queues and the new thread scheduling model is that the thread count does not need to be set. In earlier releases, we defined new thread pools and configured their size to avoid deadlocks and provide differentiated service. It is quite difficult to determine the exact number of threads needed in production to achieve optimal throughput and avoid deadlocks. WebLogic Server 9.0 and Above is self-tuned, dynamically adjusting the number of threads to avoid deadlocks and achieve optimal throughput subject to concurrency constraints. It also meets objectives for differentiated service. These objectives are stated as fair shares and response-time goals as explained in the next section.

The self-tuning thread pool monitors the overall throughput every two seconds and uses the collected data to determine if thread count needs to change. Present thread count, the measured throughput, and the past history is taken into account by the algorithm to determine if the thread count needs to increase or decrease, and new threads are automatically added to the pool or removed, as needed.

What Is a WebLogic WorkManager?

As mentioned above, WebLogic Server 9.0 and above maps incoming requests to a WorkManager instead of executing queues. Let's now look at what a WorkManager is and does. A WebLogic WorkManager is the runtime abstraction into which requests are submitted by WebLogic Server containers for asynchronous execution. Multiple WorkManagers can be present, and the choice of which WorkManager to use is determined during deployment. Administrators can change the WorkManager for any servlet or EJB dispatch by using deployment descriptors. Each WorkManager can contain four types of components:

1.       Request class (fair-share, response-time goal, context based)
2.       Minimum threads constraint
3.       Maximum threads constraint
4.       Capacity

It is important to note a couple of things before we proceed. These four components are optional. In addition, the components can be shared between WorkManagers. For example, two or more WorkManagers can share the same request class, which means that they get the same internal priority. Another simple example could be when WorkManagers share the same capacity. This means that the sum total of requests from all WorkManagers that share the capacity will not exceed the specified limit.

How Are WorkManagers Resolved During Runtime Execution?

As mentioned in the previous section, applications set a dispatch policy to associate request entry points with named WebLogic WorkManagers. During deployment, each module looks at the configured dispatch policy and maps the servlet or EJB method call to a particular WorkManager instance. It is possible to map multiple method calls to a single WorkManager instance. All user requests made to that particular method call or servlet invocation will be automatically dispatched to the associated WorkManager and therefore get its properties. Applications can be redeployed with a new dispatch policy. 

Thread Dump Changes

In WebLogic Server 8.1 and earlier releases, threads belonging to execute queues could be identified in the thread dump using the name of the execute queue. That has changed in WebLogic Server 9.0 and Above. Since all WorkManagers use the common thread pool, thread dumps will not be able to identify which threads belong to which WorkManagers. This is because threads are shared by all WorkManagers. All execute threads have the term "self-tuning" in their names to indicate that they belong to the common self-tuning pool. The thread names are prepended with their states. The three states that appear in the thread names are:

1.       ACTIVE: The thread is active and is executing work or is ready to pick up work when it arrives.
2.       STANDBY: The thread is removed from the active thread pool and is not picking up work. It can still execute work from the minimum threads constraint work set if the constraint is not met. The self-tuning implementation has removed this thread from the active pool since it is not improving throughput. It can be moved back into the active thread pool if needed later.
3.       STUCK: A thread is stuck executing work for more than the configured stuck thread interval. The thread could be stuck due to a deadlock or a slow responding back end connection.

To Summarize:

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