Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Scaling SOA Domain (Adding additional managed server)

1)  Add new managed server and add it to cluster from the weblogic console
Shutdown all the managed servers
2)  Delete the JMS resources for SOA and UMS only
All JMS servers  SOAJMSServer_auto** and SOAJMSModule
All JMS servers   UMSJMSServer_auto_** and UMSJMSSystemResource
3)  Do not delete  BPMJMSServer_auto_**     This is kind of drawback in domain extension
We need to create this manually
Ex:  You have created new managed severs  ProdSOAMServer5 in step1
Create a new JMS server BPMJMSServer_auto_5 and target it to ProdSOAMServer5 (Make sure you create file base persistence store and target accordingly)
Go to BPMJMSModuleàsubdeployment  , Click on the subdeployment and add the new target ProdSOAMServer5
That’s it BPM extension is done
4)   Shutdown the admin server
5)   Run the below script (remember the is last parameter which is important
../common/bin/ <SOA_HOME>/bin/ --domain_home /wls/prod/pavan/FMAC/FMACProdSOADomain --soacluster FMACProdSOADomainCluster1  --create_jms true
6)  Start the admin server verify everything all the three JMS modules
7)  tar the domain folder or pack the domain folder and copy it to target host and bring up all the servers (if it complains about file store , create new server JMS folders on the new host and start it)

There  is one last most important config we need to do after domain extension is to update the coherence cluster with the new host in else the application will not work.


-Dtangosol.coherence.wka1=host1 -Dtangosol.coherence.wka2=newhost -Dtangosol.coherence.localhost=localhost

1 comment:

  1. hell can you help me with BPM extension,can you elaborate more
    "Go to BPMJMSModuleàsubdeployment , Click on the subdeployment and add the new target ProdSOAMServer5"

    do i need to go subdeployment->new
    or subdeployment->target
