Friday, April 4, 2014

SSL on Weblogic Made Simple – PART2

                                      SSL on Weblogic Made Simple –CONTINUED

To setup certificate configurations on weblogic , ensure that you have a set of the following certificates:
1) PRIVATE key
2) PUBLIC key
SSL is based on Public Key Cryptography (PKC) is a method for securely exchanging messages, based on assigning two complimentary keys (one public, one private) to the individuals involved in a transaction. Public Key Cryptography is based on the science of encryption, the mathematical scrambling and unscrambling of messages.
By using a SSL Certificate, you are enabling your site to conduct authenticated, encrypted on-line commerce.
There are two ways to create a private key: You can use:

Create/Generate private Key : (Identity Key)
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias wlkey –keystore wldomain-private.jks

Generate CSR certificate :
keytool -certreq -v -alias wlkey -keystore wldomain-private.jks

Send CSR certificate to the CA authority.
The Server certificate, Root CA, Intermediate certificate and CA Chain certificate will be sent to you.

Combine three certificates into one certificate in the same order as below :
Public.cert (Server Certificate we received in the name of number.crt)
Intermediate.cert(Intermediate Certificate)
Root.cert ( Root CA Certificate)
Save these three certificates into one file mywldomain.crt

Import mywldomain.crt file into wldomain-private.jks
keytool -import -alias wldomainprivkey -file wldomain.crt -keystore wldomain-private.jks -trustcacerts

Import Trust identity (Trusted Root certificate)
keytool -import -alias wltruskey -file RootCA.crt -keystore wldomaindomaintrust.jks -trustcacerts
keytool -import -alias wltruskey  -file Intermediate.crt -keystore wldomaindomaintrust.jks -trustcacerts

Listing the contents of the Keystore
keytool -list -v -keystore wldomain-private.jks

Configure WLS to use your keystore (one way SSL only)

From the Admin console, go to your server page, and in the Keystore&SSL tab choose:

Custom Identity and Custom Trust
Custom Identity
Custom Identity Key Store File Name:  wldomain-private.jks
Custom Identity Key Store Type: jks
Custom Identity Key Store Pass Phrase: password
Confirm Custom Identity Key Store Pass Phrase: password

Custom Trust
Custom Trust Key Store File Name: wldomaindomaintrust.jks
Custom Trust Key Store Type: jks
Custom Trust Key Store Pass Phrase: password
Confirm Custom Trust Key Store Pass Phrase: password

Private Key Alias: wlkey
Passphrase: password
Confirm Passphrase: password

Enable the SSL port ScreenShot

Restart the server and This completes our Weblogic ssl setup